Leoma Retan

Born and raised in Wisconsin, I am an engineer, writer, and pet mommy to as many as twenty barn cats at a time and one Norwegian Elkhound dog.

When not playing in a virtual world, I prefer to be surrounded by plants and open spaces rather than tall buildings and traffic, but my fondness for good food and creature comforts keeps me within reasonable driving distance of the city.

My writing reflects my firm belief that events we cannot measure or completely explain happen in the world every day, though I do not know whether their origin is mystical or simply be science we don’t yet understand.

I am a member of Wisconsin Writers Association and the Women’s Fiction Writers of America and appreciate the support of both organizations. My short stories and poems have appeared in Creative Wisconsin magazine and the Writer’s Coffeehouse anthology Dream Catchers.

If you want to know who I am inside, read my fiction. My characters reflect who I have been, who I am, and who I aspire to be.

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