Inspiration for Fyrnlosing, location of Dream Songs 

Fyrnlosing is a group of 1000 or so islands that was created when an enormous Cataclysm shattered the previous continent of Gedwimor. The result was several centuries of petty squabling and even wars between the survivors. As the story starts, Fyrnlosing, in general, and the island of Dun Ard, in particular, have been at peace for several centuries.

The concept of this story comes from role playing I used to do in online virtual worlds, originally in Second Life, which still exists, and later in inWorldz, which disappeared some time ago (to my great sadness). My main character, Erissa, and her daughter, Rowan, were conceived in those worlds. Their appearance has changed since that time, as they now have cat-like ears, inch-long retractable nails, and hair that is more like a horse’s main (there is only hair down the centerline of the scalp–essentially a natural Mohawk). These are normal traits of Erissa’s race, the Gesweglin. The behavioral characteristics and special skills of the two have not changed.

Most of Dun Ard residents are humans. Only Erissa and her team of Scildere warriors are Gesweglin. Rowan’s father was human.


Caitlin is a powerful sorceress who lives alone on a neighboring island. She is a human with powerful magic, granted to her by the guardians of the land. Humans with magic are rare.

The residents of Dun Ard Castle are a secretive bunch that don’t mix with others often. This is because they have an abundance of pre-Cataclysm technology that they’re trying to restore. Most of the townspeople would be unhappy if they knew. 

Rowan’s father was one of the residents of Dun Ard Castle before he married Erissa and still worked there afterward. Many races live in the Castle, which may be another reason they generally avoid the town.

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