1. Combined effort with a result greater than the sum of the parts. In business and technology, the term describes a hoped-for or real effect resulting from different individuals, departments, or companies working together and stimulating new ideas that result in greater productivity.
2. The phenomenon in which the combined action of two things such as drugs or muscles is greater than the sum of their effects individually. In the case of drugs, the result may be dangerous to the patient.
This year I finally achieved the proper synergy between light time, dark time, and water to convince my Christmas Cactus to bloom for Christmas.
Word Origin
Mid-17th century, via Latin < Greek sunergia < sunergein “work together” or sunergos “working together” < ergos “work”
The process of synergy as a way of originating new ideas or making new discoveries can be contrasted to serendipity, in which ideas and discoveries emerge seemingly by accident.
Related Forms
– synergetic adjective
– synergetically adverb
– synergic adjective
Synonyms / near Synonyms